Jason David Frank was best known for his various roles in the Power Rangers universe...
Jason David Frank was best known for his various roles in the Power Rangers universe...
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confirmed his death to the Associated press on Sunday. On 20 November 2022 .Cause of death was not provided.
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Frank’s Power Rangers co-star Walter Emanuel Jones, shared his disbelief in the actor’s sudden passing.
Frank’s Power Rangers co-star Walter Emanuel Jones, shared his disbelief in the actor’s sudden passing.
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He was Born on September 4,1973.He was raised near Hollywood in Covina, California,USA to parents Janice Frank and Ray Frank.
He was Born on September 4,1973.He was raised near Hollywood in Covina, California,USA to parents Janice Frank and Ray Frank.
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Jason’s Green Ranger was introduced in the first episode of the series in 1993 as an enemy of the other Power Rangers.The character arc was only to last for 14 episodes....
Jason’s Green Ranger was introduced in the first episode of the series in 1993 as an enemy of the other Power Rangers.The character arc was only to last for 14 episodes....
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He became so popular with fans that the writers kept him on for the full 123 episodes over three seasons.
He became so popular with fans that the writers kept him on for the full 123 episodes over three seasons.
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He was married twice,with both ending in divorce,the most recent in 2022.He is survived by four children.
He was married twice,with both ending in divorce,the most recent in 2022.He is survived by four children.
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He was a seventh degree Black Belt holder.He also holds a Guinness World Record in Skiving.
He was a seventh degree Black Belt holder.He also holds a Guinness World Record in Skiving.
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In the year 2005,he was honored with the Arnold Schwarzenegger Classics Master Appreciation Award. His net worth is an estimated $1.5 million.
In the year 2005,he was honored with the Arnold Schwarzenegger Classics Master Appreciation Award. His net worth is an estimated $1.5 million.