
Bill Russel

Bill Russel

 Born on: 12th Feb 34 Born in: United States Marital status: Divorced Occupation: American retired professional basketball player

High school McClymonds (Oakland, California) College San Francisco (1953–1956) NBA draft 1956 / Round: 1 / Pick: 2nd overall


Father  Charles Russell  Mother   Katie Russell Bill was born in  West Monroe, Louisiana 

Wife Rose Swisher, Dorothy Anstett, Marilyn Nault Children Karen Russell, William Jr. and Jacob

During World War II, the Second Great Migration began, as large numbers of people were moving to the West to look for  work there. When Russell was eight years old, his father moved the  family out of Louisiana and settled in Oakland, California


As player: 1956–1969 Boston Celtics As coach: 1966–1969 Boston Celtics 1973–1977 Seattle SuperSonics 1987–1988 Sacramento Kings

Born as William Felton "Bill" Russell has an estimated net worth of $10 million.

 Russell is recognized to be one of the greatest Boston Celtics players in the NBA history. He is even said to be the first African-American player to have gotten a superstar status and become an NBA coach. 

-the supreme champion in all team sports. -represented the values of equality, respect and inclusion. -vigorously advocated for civil rights and social justice.

Bill Russel

On Social Media

- his family shared news  Russell died accompanied by his wife, Jeannine. - He was 88 years old. - The statement did not mention the cause of death. Date 31st July 2022